Your Stories Inspire Me…

My prayer was that my stories would give hope and encouragement to those battling their own fear and shame. I prayed that “There Is Room” would serve as a catalyst for people to consider things from another perspective. 

Your feedback, notes and comments have been incredible and made me feel extremely loved, but most of all, your stories have shown a bigger audience that we are Not Alone! Just when I thought I was sharing a story that was so unique to me, like “Those People”, I would receive another note like the one from Ms. Patricia Byrd.

Promise that we’ll keep sharing and shining a light on fear and shame. I don’t want to do any of this without you. Thanks for the love!

I had a hard time subscribing for your blog because it hits absolutely dead center on my heart/soul/life. I identify with all of this so much and NEED to face my fears of not being enough. The past 5 years have taught me a lifetime of lessons on letting go of the reigns and being the Volkswagen, but it’s a daily, conscious struggle for me. I love you and your heart. Your writing is beautiful and lyrical and so on point! So happy our paths crossed all those years ago! You continue to impress and awe me today!

—Alice’ Bourque

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I went through the exact same thing thirty years ago with my older son. His dad lived one mile away so I got to see him nearly every day and attend all of his activities, but I still felt like a failure because I had already failed as a wife and then as a mom. It is hard, but it was the right thing to do. Hindsight is great..

—Patricia Byrd

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“Everything we wanted and more.”

I know your story and I love your story. I love your honesty and open heart. 

— Charlene


I am so glad to know you and blessed by having you on this path with me! We all have messiness! But you my friend, are truly a testament of God’s love!  

— Chassity


“Stellar, professional service.”

I love reading your blog because I can relate to so many things you write about. As I read your story, I’m saying to myself, darn that sounds so familiar. 

— Sandra

“4 thumbs way up from my 2 sons!”

I’ve read every post .. and each time it feels like I’m chatting with a close friend. I’m always looking forward to the next one.  

— Kim