Fear of failure controlled most of my life. My worth and ability to be loved was tied to my performance. One failure could nullify all accomplishments. As part of this journey of overcoming fear and shame, it helped to say some of these things out loud without justification. It’s crazy how much power these things lose when you shine light on them.
Try it! I’ll go first.
-Stacey Gautreau
I’ve been married three times. Am I Still a Big Deal?
- Stacey
I have a successful career, a loving husband, and 2 amazing children but don’t feel successful or fulfilled as a mom. I can’t shake the feeling of regret in not doing my best “work” as a mom. Am I Still a Big Deal?
Seven years after taking the National Teachers Exam nine times, I returned to college, divorced, with a 3-year old, working full time. Am I Still a Big Deal?
I have prematurely judged others based on my personal feelings and beliefs. I failed to get to know certain groups of people based on my stereotypical opinions of what they may represent. Am I Still a Big Deal?
- Lisa
I was sexually abused at 9 years old. I carried the scars and burden of responsibility. Am I Still a Big Deal?
I was married for 42 years, had raised 3 beautiful children then suddenly found myself divorced. Am I Still a Big Deal?
- Sandra
I have carried the burden of being over weight for years and thought that is what defined me as a person. I am a child of God and he loves me unconditionally. Am I Still a Big Deal?
Tell Us Your Story …
“I’ve always heard ‘Forgive Quickly’…I think it’s as important to forgive YOURSELF quickly.”
I struggle sharing my thoughts and feelings about things I haven’t figured out yet. I can spill my guts if God’s brought me to the other side. If there has been a victory of some sort. But I’m noticing when I’m smack dab in the middle of the darkness, I don’t share and I don’t ask for help. That’s control. That’s self righteousness. Maybe even pride. All silent killers and self limiting.